A short one tonight, talking about some new books I received today. If you don’t know anything about Marcel Proust or Henry Miller, here’s your chance to get yourself educated. I know some of you rely on me to bring you up to speed in the world, so tonight I help you round out your literary world view.
Oh and I announce a new G’Day World promotion – the blog that sends me the most referrals in the month of January will get a $50 Amazon voucher. But you have to register, so I know you are trying. Please use the contact form below with the subject text “Amazon promotion”.
impecunious im-pih-KYOO-nee-uhs, adjective:
Not having money; habitually without money; poor.
ah very nice Urb, thanks! See, we all learn on this show! 🙂
Nice work…thanks for the reference.
and btw you pronounced Clichy very well…your first try was perfect -clee-shee
I don’t think I have a chance of winning your competition. The only time that I get enough traffic to my blog for it to be worth a shot is immediately after you’ve linked to me.
After a week of no internet in sydney and the accompanying blog/podcast withdrawals it was good to have several hours of G’day world at my disposal. Good stuff! 🙂
Seeings you give me S$#t about it, where is yesterdays (9 Jan 2006) show? Tony, did you see/hear it?
yeah didn’t get one out last night, the family got home. I knew you’d be giving me shit about it today! 🙂
Only because you asked me too. You blamed me for doing that on Friday when I didn’t.
PS. Did you get renewed with Show Buzz with the Pizzla?
no ShowBuzz unfortunately didn’t find an audience so we’ve come up with a new idea. Stay tuned. 🙂
Cool. I am open to giving a bit of blog space to leaks!
Haha, “Tropic of Cancer” was the book for which Jerry got harassed by Mr Bookman in Seinfeld – George loaned it out under Jerry’s name in high school, then Jerry got pursued 15 years later.
HAHA yeah I forgot that! Wasn’t that the gym teacher episode! CAN’T-STAND-YA!
That’s the one. Classic episode.
Are you going to announce that I won the Comp on tonights show or are you going to wait till tomorrow for the official end of Jan?
Can’t wait to find out the number of Referals I sent you!!!!