Show 2 – 1st December 2004 (1hr 8 min)
00:00 G’Day World intro tune “D24” courtesy of Melbourne band Spruiker
00:10 Mick’s SPOT watch battery is not well
02:20 Comments and info from the first show
08:00 Cam’s new CD’s
08:50 Mick’s past life as a Tour/Production Manager
13:00 EPIC 2014 & Moore’s Law
18:50 Windows Media Center update
26:20 “Private Saloon”, a music track from DANI
30:35 How do you get your employees to blog
36:20 The 2005 Australian Blogging Conference
42:00 “Chucking a Winer”
47:00 This week’s lesson on how to talk “aussie”
52:00 Playing HALO2 on LEGENDARY is impossible
52:45 Cameron wants “Cafes with power points”
55:00 podfreq vs iTrip
57:00 Jeremy Wright’s eBay auction
1:05:00 “D24”, a music track by Spruiker (whole song)