What the frak does online poker have to do with child pornography? Nothing. Nothing at all. This is just one example of how stupid, wrong and frakking disgraceful the whole blacklist exercise is.
As I told a couple of Labor Party stalwarts (including a former ALP MP) over lunch last week – Rudd was supposed to be the good guy. At least where the ACMA blacklist is concerned, he’s turning out to be more appalling than John Howard. I wouldn’t vote ALP in a pink fit after this experience (mind you, I’ve never voted ALP in my life) and I doubt many digital folks who voted for the ALP in 2007 will make the same mistake in the next Federal election.
Just let me know when we’ve reached that threshold where the citizens rise up and overthrow the government.
Anyone know a military general?
Online Poker might not have anything to do with child porn, but perhaps it’s on the list for other reasons, like fraud, or unsanctioned gambling, or an ACMA employee who isn’t very good at poker couldn’t pay his rent and his wife kicked him out and now he’s living on the street where he finds himself reduced to pleasuring old men with limp dicks, covered in weeping, open sores.
“Where a government has come into power through some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and maintains at least an appearance of constitutional legality, the guerrilla outbreak cannot be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not yet been exhausted.”
– Che Guevara, General Principles of Guerrilla Warfare