I’ve been reading a lot about Socialism and Communism lately but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the best things about Capitalism. This story I read this morning about how Hugh Hefner started PLAYBOY is terrific. I haven’t fact checked it but who cares – it’s the myth that counts (for once):
clipped from watchmojo.com

In the early 1950s, Hefner worked as a promotion copywriter for Esquire. When the magazine turned down his request for a $5 raise, he quit his job and decided to launch another publication geared to young men.


Playboy magazine hit newsstands in December 1953, shrewdly featuring Marilyn Monroe on its first cover. That issue sold more than 50,000 copies.

Within a few years, Playboy’s circulation topped 700,000 and then surpassed the 1 million mark, eclipsing rival Esquire along the way. Its circulation is now about 2.6 million, according to a spokeswoman. When Playboy celebrated its 25th anniversary at Tavern on the Green in New York City, Esquire’s former editor Clay Felker presented Hefner with a replica of a $5 bill.

“My face was on it,” Hefner said with a smile. “Felker told me, ‘All is forgiven. Please come home.’”

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