If any of you are still sitting there thinking “well, they didn’t have any WMD, they weren’t connected to al Qaeda, so why *did* we have to invade Iraq” – one of the reasons has emerged in a memorandum prepared for the meeting of the U.S. House committee on oversight and government reform which is examining Iraqi reconstruction.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover. The memorandum details the casual manner in which the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority disbursed the money, which came from Iraqi oil sales, surplus funds from the UN oil-for-food programme and seized Iraqi assets.


Yep – money. Shitloads of money, funneled from the pockets of Iraqi citizens (via U.S. Congress) into the pockets of…. nobody knows. But it isn’t hard to guess. Just follow the hype. Who wanted the war? Who campaigned for it hardest? Who manipulated the perceptions of the public in order to justify it?

The report continues:

The memorandum concludes: “Many of the funds appear to have been lost to corruption and waste … thousands of ‘ghost employees’ were receiving pay cheques from Iraqi ministries under the CPA’s control. Some of the funds could have enriched both criminals and insurgents fighting the United States.”

According to Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, the $8.8bn funds to Iraqi ministries were disbursed “without assurance the monies were properly used or accounted for”. But, according to the memorandum, “he now believes that the lack of accountability and transparency extended to the entire $20bn expended by the CPA”.

This is what “Operation Shock And Awe” was mostly about – the cynical redistribution of wealth from the hands of the Iraqi people into the hands of foreign countries with larger armies. It’s like the countries we live in are primary school bullies taking lunch off of the Year One kids at lunchtime. If the kids report our bullying to the teacher (the UN Security Council) it doesn’t matter a damn because we OWN the teachers. They are part of the system of corruption and control.

Welcome to democracy.