Is Syria another Operation Ajax?
If you want an alternative perspective on what’s happening in Syria to the one you’ve been getting on the MSM, try this one by Lebanese-American writer and activist Joyce Chediac. Is Syria another Operation Ajax?
At least since 1953 (and probably before that) it has been a tried-and-true tactic of the CIA to finance and conduct (either directly or indirectly) “false flag” civil unrest in a country they want to overthrow. They will then blame escalations of violence on the person running the government (the target of the operation) and use his perceived abuses to justify political or military intervention (directly or indirectly).
The list of countries where they have carried on this kind of operation is lengthy (I counted 53 in Tim Weiner’s book “Legacy Of Ashes”). Here’s a short list:
- Iran (1953)
- Guatemala (1954)
- Indonesia (1958)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960)
- Dominican Republic (1961)
- South Vietnam (1963)
- Brazil (1964)
- Chile (1973)
- Afghanistan (1979)
- Turkey (1980)
- Nicaragua (1981)
- Iraq (1992)
- Afghanistan (2001)
- Venezuela (2002)
- Iraq (2003)
- Haiti (2004)
So when you see something similar happen in Syria, you’d be naïve not to wonder if the version of events we are getting from the corporate media isn’t the same bunch of fabricated bullshit that we’ve seen so many times before. Assad may be the antichrist – like so many were before him – or maybe he’s being set up. Since Washington has been funneling money to a right-wing Syrian opposition group since at least 2005, there is obviously more to the story than the one we are being told.