More Catholic Cover-Ups Revealed In Australia

Four Corners has revealed more Australia Catholic Church rape cover-ups. 

George Pell is in denial, as usual. Of course we cannot trust the Catholic Church to investigate its own misdoings because covering up their crimes is part of the culture of the organisation.

Paul Kennedy nails it:

So what will change?

Who will stand up for these children, raped and then tortured by silence and denial?

Do not expect the Catholic Church hierarchy to alter its time-honoured global policies.

As I discussed with Dr. Wayne Chamley from Broken Rites back in 2009, if any other organisation had systematically covered up child rape for decades, the government would throw the book at it. Why does the Catholic Church get special treatment from Australian politicians? Are they *that* scared of losing the Catholic vote? We need a Royal Commission like Ireland.


Dawkins Speaks Out Against The Pope

An excellent speech from Richard Dawkins. He explains that the Hitler was a Catholic and a Christian, NOT an atheist as the Pope is trying to claim, and then delves into some of the other stupid ideas this Ratzinger Pope has.

If you consider yourself a Catholic, you should think hard about these issues and ask yourself if you want to be associated with a man and a church with this history behind them.

Australian priest to be sentenced on 29 counts of abuse

According to

Father Jim Denham, a priest of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, will be sentenced next month on 29 counts of child sexual abuse. Twenty-seven of the 40 men who allege abuse by the priest are seeking a settlement with the diocese.

Sentencing for this reprobate has apparently been dragging on since JUNE 2009. I wonder what shady deals the Catholics are trying to pull in the background so they can save a few more bucks?

Keep in mind always that these incidents are NOT just “a few bad apples” – sexual abuse was systematically hidden and protected by Catholic leadership from the Popes on down for decades. Why haven’t we had a Royal Commission into Catholic sexual abuse in this country yet, like they did in Ireland? Especially as we know that many Irish priests were moved out there when they got themselves into trouble?

Christian KRudd Dodges Catholic Royal Commission

He may be an Anglican, but KRudd is “one of the boys” when it comes to protecting the religious establishments of Australia.

According to the BBC:

Australian PM Kevin Rudd has apologised to the hundreds of thousands of people, some British migrants, who were abused or neglected in state care as children.

(via BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia ‘sorry’ for child abuse.)

I know from my interview with Dr Wayne Chamley from Broken Rites that the Catholic Church are alleged to have been the main protagonist in this child abuse in Australia but the Federal Govt won’t hold a Royal Commission into the issue like the Irish government did. To deflect the issue, KRudd would rather just apologise. But there’s no justice in an apology. It boggles the mind why the leaders of this country don’t think that the Catholic Church should have to answer for its crimes like any other criminal organisation. As far as I’m aware, the Australian Sex Party is the only political party in this country that has a policy calling for a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse.