UPDATE November 30, 2006: Arrrrghhhh! Bad news on these pens. They freakin LEAK. I opened one today, started writing in my Moleskine, and noticed my fingers were covered in blue ink! In the bin they go!

BIC Grip Roller

As I sit here this morning doing my GTD Weekly Review (before my Productivity Buddy Michael Specht emails me to tell me he’s done his), I am impressed with my new Moleskine (yes, I’m still doing the Moleskine thing and LOVING it… quite the obsession) pen – the BIC Grip Roller. I think I picked this one up at Officeworks last week and they are inexpensive, fat, nice grip and, most importantly for the Moleskine, they dry VERY fast. The other pens I’ve been using over the last couple of months tend to smudge and blur if I don’t leave the page open for a few minutes after writing. And as I’m usually scribbling down notes and then shutting the book, it ends up looking very messy indeed.

Did you know…

BIC was founded in France by Marcel Bich with Edouard Buffard in 1945. The two bought a factory and set up a business making parts for mechanical pencils and fountain pens. In December 1950, Marcel Bich introduced his own ballpoint pen, and named it the BIC. The ‘h’ from Bich was dropped in order to avoid a potentially inappropriate English pronunciation of the name. Although the pens weren’t entirely new (Bich obtained patent rights from Hungarian inventor, László Bíró), the process of manufacturing was. An inexpensive, and at the same time reliable, ballpoint pen was introduced to the world. In early September 2005, BIC announced that it had sold its 100 billionth disposable ballpoint pen, making it the world’s best-selling pen.
