Got this funny email from lil sister Anita:
You’re friggin’ everywhere…I was looking up stationery for work and Googled ‘roller papermate gel II’ to see what it was and the fourth Google entry was this!
Is there anywhere I can go without bumping into you???! Geez!!!!!!
The issue of B&T Magazine that I wrote an article about podcasting (what else?) in, is apparently out. Jon-Michail called me today to say he had his copy. My article is in the Digital Media insert.
In the discussion section of my Wikipedia entry, some larrikin has written “After attending the Remix 07 conference in Melbourne i contest this article and believe that it is grossly inaccurate.” WTF??? How could anything I did or said at Remix change anything in the Wikipedia entry? If you are going to slag me off folks, you need to try harder.
Yah, and now that you have posted this, it’s now the THIRD Google entry for ‘roller papermate gel II’. Like a weird Google internet worm hole, this entry will probably now make it to no.2. Plus, when I said ‘Geez’, you left out the winking smiley face. 😉 I don’t mind bumping into you so much.
any moment now those papermate folks should be putting money in my account…
From wikipedia entry:
“In May 2007, Reilly described his 2006 co-host on G’day World, Richard Giles as “My ungrateful protege”[8]. They have since made up and Giles returned as a special co-host on the Gday World podcast on June 23rd 2007.”
Hahahaha…….awwww, did we fall out? Should we have a falling out to make wikipedia entry correct?
Rich – what about the kitten huffing?
Nah Rich never could get the hang of the huffing. He kept trying to BLOW into the kitten, which is just messy.