Join Richard Giles and I while we rant about…
- the death of Richard Carleton
- the goddamn media coverage of the Beaconsfield miners
- the logies – what’s with the international guests
- UFO cover-up
- “Star Wars” original edition coming on DVD
- RapLeaf – check your whuffie – thanks Aaron Brazell
- Windows Live QnA
- RHCP don’t get it
- Warren Kremer Paino – “unconditional surrender”
- audio comments from Miriam and Ken
Don’t forget to check out the new shows on TPN.
And participate in the conversation by leaving us a message!!!
Opening Theme Song: “Save Me” by The Napoleon Blown Aparts, America’s baddest rock n’ roll band!
Don’t forget, G’Day World was the very first Australian podcast!
What drugs are you on dude about Skype 2.5? Check it out here:
Yeah I saw parts of the logies too last night and thought exactly the same thing – who are these American rejects??
You must have missed the part where this drunk American got up and said that she didnt know what the fuck she was doing there and didn’t know who anyone was – it was a classic.
classic! who was it? Pink?
I also find it amusing when people get offended with the ‘c’ word. I tend to use it to refer to my own anatomy because its a damned sight better to the alternatives but every now and then someone overhears me and looks rather shocked.
thanks for the link Molly. IE only people. Ninemsn doesn’t support Firefox….
Cam – Joan Rivers. Looks like it already made it to wikipedia –
“As a guest host on Australia’s Channel 9 Logies TV awards show in May 2006, Rivers swore repeatedly. On the 3rd occasion in the one speech (opposite music reporter Richard Wilkins), the man on the “BLEEP” button wasn’t fast enough, and the phrase “I don’t even know why the fuck I’m here!” made it live to air.”
Very funny stuff! And good to see Nine supporting blogging by offering the blog this option. Okay its their NineMSN based MSN Spaces blog but still good!
I told you Eddie understands it!
Hi There Cameron long time listner here. Thought you might get a kick out of this story in the hearld sun.Its all about Namoi Robson, theres a bloopers reel of her swearing in outakes.Its pretty funny.,10221,19026568-10229,00.html
Yoikes…rapleaf is getting the dreaded:
“Application error
Rails application failed to start properly”
Sounds interesting…I’ll keep an eye on it until they kick it back into operation.
I totally agree with the ludicrous state of news in this country. The weird thing is I brought up the ridiculous coverage of the miners with several people during the week (random lift riders, commuters) and they all thought I was mean to not think these two well paid workers were total heroes.
Its so “look over there, look over there” distraction news at its best. You wouldn’t want people to have to think how crap their country is becoming.
Gary, that video of Naomi Robson is classic. It doesn’t have the famous 15 fucks though, which I’ve heard before. It does have her saying “and if you believe that, then you’re as dumb as I think you all are”, which, actually, makes me like her a lot more. for the famous “six fucks” soundbite.
If you think its been bad so far, you aint seen nothing yet!
Awwww Cam talked about me on G’day World
My life is now complete.
Saw your miners on evening news here in the States last night. I clicked on the TV and thought what the hell is that? As soon as I realized what the story was I burst into laughter.
wtf a couple of guys down a hole made international news… must have been a slow news day.
for your ipod video converting. get the raw, convert to avi so it looks good then hand it over to itunes to convert to ipod, if you like what you see on ipod, get into the ipod folders and copy out the video file.
if you really want to know how to make good encodes you should talk to the japanese subbing groups that do lots of tv shows.
p.s. thanks for saying my name and nick, btw richard, the shifts i speak of are fast food shifts which i will be giving up for a new job soon. 🙂
Bloglines just picked my name up here. 🙂
Old post, but hey, next time I’ll send you a LinkedIn invite. :p