To celebrate the TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF G’DAY WORLD this month I’m introducing the new new format. Helping me out today is my good good buddy Shane Williamson and his crapola microphone.


Male chimps like a bit of MILF. – link

The concept of the “jolt” from Kalle Lasn’s book “Culture Jam”. – link

“Most Iraqis wish Saddam would be back in power now that they lived out the hardships of the occupation. The Americans did nothing but loot our oil and kill our people.” – link

fringรขโ€žยข uses your existing mobile internet data plan to make peer-to-peer VoIP calls, send instant messages and communicate with PC based VoIP applications such as Skype and Google Talk, at no extra cost. – link


Polymorphic Convolutions

Download “Somptin Happnin'” (mp3)
from “Polymorphic Convolutions”
by Various Artists
Electronic Soundscapes


Hall of Justus: Soldiers of Fortune

Download “Keep It To The Side” (mp3)
from “Hall of Justus: Soldiers of Fortune”
by Hall Of Justus
Hall Of Justus/ABB Records