I’m sure you have all sat in “virtual” meetings at your place of work that would have bored a monk. I remember sitting in on “virtual team meetings” in my Microsoft days when I and other members of the team would be playing each other on XBOX Live while our manager droned on. It doesn’t have to be that way and my guest today will tell you why.
W. Wayne Turmel (aka dubdub) is the host of TPN’s Cranky Middle Manager and Working Week podcasts, as well as a stand-up comedian, author, manager…. and in 2008 he adds a new title to his portfolio – entrepreneur. We had a chat recently about his new business, Great Web Meetings, about becoming an entrepreneur, and other things.
Wayne has a long history as a presenter, trainer and expert in management and communication skills. He has taught Presentation Skills and Sales to Fortune 500 clients in his role as Director of Faculty for Communispond.
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“Fortuitous Bounce” (mp3)
from “Sixes and Sevens”
(Conduit Records)
Buy at Rhapsody
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More On This Album
Cam, thanks for the chat the other night. It’s always great to swap neurons with you and I learn so much about this medium every time we talk. Hope I was able to give your listeners some value for the time we spend together- even if it was longer than 29 minutes…….
Don’t let the weasels get you down.