Okay, for the folks in Australia (or those of you internationally who don’t mind paying international call charges), I have set up a comments line – +613 9016 9699.
Regular listeners might want to plug it into your mobile phones so you can easily call me (“To call The Cam, please press 1”) when you are in your car, etc.
I haven’t bothered setting up a US or UK number yet – I’ll see how much this one gets used first. Let’s face it – attempts at getting you guys to leave audio comments in the past has been a dismal failure but I’m hoping that because this one doesn’t require you to be sitting in front of your PC, it might get more traction.
The system works well. I think Audio quality may be an issue. Any thoughts on how to keep the comments related to a ‘conversation’ or a specific show?
Are you keeping an eye on Mobatalk.com?
Michael has phone insert of comments I believe. Even had video and photo as well.
Angus – thanks mate, got your test message but audio quality WAS a problem. Couldn’t make out what you were saying. However I’ve tested the system using my landline and the quality was acceptable. Not GREAT, but acceptable.
Molly – just went to his site again, mostly just ‘coming soon’, will chat to him.
The biggest problem is how to actually RECORD to voicemails. I havent yet figured out how to capture a voicemail that Skype records on their system. The only other solution would seem to be to keep Outlook running 24×7 on my PC so Skylook records them.
called, left a message feel free to abuse me in the next show 🙂
oh and the cleantech site seems to be a bit buggy