My latest project is Motherlode (Brisbane’s hardest working marketing agency).


 Motherlode (Brisbane’s hardest working marketing agency)

The two main guys behind Motherlode are myself and an old mate of mine from Melbourne who worked with me at Ozemail and Microsoft in the 90s and 2000s, then worked as the Marketing Director at Data#3 (one of the largest IT companies in QLD) for years. Between the two of us, we have decades of experience in marketing, sales and digital strategy.

What makes Motherlode different from your typical agency, though, is that we are virtual. We have a team of specialists that we have worked with over the years – graphic designers, database admins, web designers, copywriters, SEO specialists, etc – some are based in Brisbane, some are in other parts of Australia and some are global. It shouldn’t matter where people live. We all have Skype, email, FaceTime and Dropbox. Why be limited by your geography or by the talent in your office? We want to work with the best people around the world.

We also want to work with global clients who are looking for help with their marketing strategy – digital and traditional. You may not have a full-time marketing team working with you or perhaps you do have one but they need some external firepower.

If you want a chat, email me [email protected]. I’ll be blogging lots of stuff about marketing and digital strategy, so you can follow the new Twitter feed or blog feed.