Inspired by Miriam, I’m going to shave my head for the World’s Greatest Shave 2007. For those who haven’t heard of it its a charity event for the Leukemia Foundation. The idea is that people sponsor me to shave my head and the money is donated to the Leukemia Foundation.

The Leukemia Foundation supports patients with leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders. The Foundation provides free support services including:

If you would like to sponsor me you can do so by credit card here. Just click on sponsor an individual, then enter my name and state (Cameron Reilly, VIC) and enter how much and your card details. Easy!

To make it more interesting:
– if I raise more than $1000, I’ll put a video of the event up on the blog
– the person who puts up the biggest donation can, if they choose, come over and do the deed