UPDATE 2013-11-20 – Sunday Assembly Brisbane is launching at the Brisbane Powerhouse THIS FRIDAY! Check out our new website for details.
UPDATE 2013-08-28 – We are well on our way to launching Sunday Assembly Brisbane in November! If you are interested in learning more about Sunday Assembly, join our Facebook group or email me.
For years Chrissy and I have been talking about how we would love to be part of a non-religious community that meets to talk about their secular philosophy of life and join together to do “good works” in the community. Something that takes the good parts of religions (a sense of community, a sharing of ideas, getting together to help out each other and the needy in the community) and leaves out the bad parts (dogma, fear, bigotry, mythology).
So when we heard about Sunday Assembly a couple of months ago, we thought it sounded perfect and volunteered to start one in Brisbane. Last Saturday we had a chance to meet one of the founders, Pippa Evans, and she gave us more information on how it’s working in London and how she thinks we should start locally. The current plan is to put together a few people to join the organising committee with a view to kicking the whole thing off in a few months.
If you haven’t heard of Sunday Assembly yet, here’s the official description from their website:
The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that meets on the first Sunday of every month to hear great talks, sing songs and generally celebrate the wonder of life. It’s a service for anyone who wants to live better, help often and wonder more.
Watch this video by the founders, Pippa Evans and Sanderson Jones:
We have set up a Google Group where interested people can register themselves. So if you’re interested in being part of something like that, let us know via the Group and we’ll be in touch soon!
RT @cameronreilly: Starting Sunday Assembly In Brisbane http://t.co/oO6WGMFAA3 @sundayassembly @IAmPippaEvans @fatherbob
RT @cameronreilly: Starting Sunday Assembly In Brisbane http://t.co/oO6WGMFAA3 @sundayassembly @IAmPippaEvans @fatherbob