G’Day World #336 – The Sammartino Method (aka How To Get Rich Slowly and Surely)
Steve Sammartino is not only the founder of Rentoid.com (see G’Day World #306), he’s also one of the smartest money managers that I’ve ever met.
By age 33, Steve had built up a big enough share portfolio to be able to quit his corporate marketing job and live completely on the dividends. That was two years ago. Today, he tells me how he did it – and how you can do it to. Steve’s system is foolproof and doesn’t require you to know anything about shares or companies or the market. He calls it a “set and forget” system. I call it “The Sammartino Method” and I think we should all listen to this show over and over again. Then we should play it to our kids. Steve’s system is so simple and basic that everyone can do it. As he says in the show “All it takes is discipline.”
If you aren’t financially independent (and I’m not), then you can’t ever really be in control of your lifestyle. Steve will never have to work another day in his life if he doesn’t want to. Imagine the choices you would have in your life if you were in that situation in ten years.
The two books that Steve recommends you read are:
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The G’Day World theme music:
“Secrets of Life” (mp3)
from “End of Days”
(Dark Star Records)