Over here at the G’day World offices, we’re very humbled and excited by the responses we’ve been getting to the recent shows. Our subscriber numbers are going through the roof, and we have had well over an amazing 10,000 MP3’s downloaded since the beginning of January!
So, in the spirit of “if you got a spark, pour petrol on it”, we have decided it is time to branch out. We will soon be lauching a new and (we hope) exciting range of regular podcasts dedicated to specific subjects. And here’s the most exciting news – you get to vote on which shows come first!
This is going to be huge folks…its been in the planing stages for a while now, and its time to get the ball rolling…
The survey is limited to the first 100 responses, so, if you want to have a say in the future of the G’day World “franchise” (hehe), Go and vote on the survey now!