Michael Specht is my Productivity Buddy ™. If you don’t have a Productivity Buddy yet, I highly recommend it. It’s one of my better ideas.

Basically Michael and I have a regular 10am Monday morning telephone call where we make sure the other person has completed their GTD weekly review, then we talk over our productivity challenges, tips and tricks.

The topic of today’s call was around self-motivation. Each of us said we had a nice list of tasks to get through this week but the trick is actually DOING THEM and not letting other things get in the way. I’m always getting sucked into replying to email, handling tech support issues, responding to comments, accepting Skype calls, etc. All good stuff, fun stuff, all stuff which needs to happen to keep the business running, but all stuff which stops me from getting the “important not urgent” things on my list done.

So I’m wondering what tips and tricks you folks have for forcing yourself to get the hard, smelly jobs done. Do you have a particular carrot or stick approach? Do you reward yourself or deny yourself with something until the job is done? Got any good blogs or podcasts on the subject you recommend?

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