Ewan hitman Spence is taking it to the streets less than 12 hours to produce TPN ROCK LIVE!
Who: Ewan Spence & TPN Rockers (that means you)
What: TPN Rock Live!
When: Friday, May 18 (see below for times)
Where: Listener’s choice
Why: Is there a better way to end the week?
Attendance is mandatory for TPN Rock fans. You’ll not want to miss Ewan live, in-studio as he produces The Rock Show live from Leith FM in Edinburgh. To join the party, go grab the file needed to plug into your media player, add Ewan to your IM, tune in at the designated time and prepared to be rocked.
Time Conversion
# GMT: 2100-2300
# Central European: 2300-0100
# USA (East Coast): 1700-1900
# USA (West Coast): 1400-1600
# Australlia: 0700 (Saturday)-0900
# New Zealand 0900 (Saturday)-1100
I will be there with my rockin’ boots on baby.