Hi everyone
We have been floating an idea around for a while to do interviews with prominent tech people, bloggers/podcasters and all the “smart people” we know…or those who will allow us (and trust us) to record a conversation with them at least. The idea grew (or should I say took a life of its own) and this is the first installment of our “On the Pod” sessions…some of these interviews will be long (1 hour) and some will be short (5 minutes) but they will fun, entertaining and hopefully educational. Some will be structured interviews and some will be quick ambushes of people on our Skype list, but the best way to think of them is as a nice quite chat with people we call our “friends”.
Our inaugural guest is one of the founders and the CEO of Active Words System Inc (makers of ActiveWords, which was earlier this year named as the 3rd Best Software Product of the year by Jupitermedia’s Eric Grevstad, following behind OpenOffice and Microsoft 2003), the man who was awarded the “demoGod” award at Demo 2004, one of the most active bloggers of our time and a man we call a “mate”,Buzz Bruggeman.
You can either pick up the recording in our podcast (RSS) feed or you can download it by clicking on the link below. We hope you enjoy listening to “On the Pod with Cameron, Mick and Buzz Bruggeman” as much as we enjoyed recording it.