Welcome to anyone visiting here for the first time after hearing about podcasting on Jon Faine’s show this morning. Take a few minutes to check out some of the shows, listen to the other shows on The Podcast Network, and leave a comment, send me an email, whatever. Welcome to the future of media.

The show was fun. I’ve been down to the ABC/JJJ a few times now and I thought Jon was probably the most balanced of all of the interviews I’ve done on radio. Traditional radio jockeys and mainstream journos usually love to turn their noses up at “citizen media”, with an air of snotty superiority which is the pride coming before the fall. Jon wasn’t too bad though. After the show he commented that the ABC seems convinced that podcasting is the future and they aren’t throwing any more money at “this” (he waved a finger around the studio). I told him that he’s the last of an era. That seemed to get his back up a bit and he protested that more people than “EVER” will listen to the radio in the future and I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he’s dreaming.

James is a great guy. He was telling me afterwards over coffee about his recent launch of EduBlogs Premium, a commercial service he’s just launched for educational institutions that want to run their own blogging service. I’ll get him onto GW soon to chat about it in more detail. So much for James being the “anti” new media guy. 🙂

Jon Faine and James Farmer

Jon’s big red button:

big red button

More photos here.