Missing AllTunes? I am. I miss it like a lost limb. However, someone called Scottitude in the comments section of my old blog just posted this:
If you’re in the USA and haven’t been able to refill your AllTunes balance, Just do what I did:
From the Balance page, scroll to the bottom and click on the “Purchase Gift Certificate” button. On the next screen, Click on the “AllTunes Payment” button. You’ll reach an AllTunes login page so login and chuckle at the “pay by credit card” option because you’ve tried that countless times and it never works.
Then, click on the “Add Money by Credit Card” button anyway and chuckle again at the “select amount” options, because they haven’t worked either. Again, click the “Confirm Payment” button anyway.
You’ll arrive at a page displaying your basic (name, email, amount, order #, etc.) transaction info and the following message:
Credit or Debit card
On the next step you’ll be transferred to the site of processing company E-centru (www.e-centru.com).All products and services, displayed in the Internet-shop Alltunes.com, are accepted for payment via VISA/Mastercard by “TELETRANSINFO” SRL, address 69/1 Stefan cel Mare Blrd., Chisinau, Moldova, through a protected URL https://secure.e-centru.com. For security purposes, the card numbers are not kept by the company.
Please, be careful during typing information about your credit card. All typed data will be transferred using SSL connection 3.0 (to protect the data and prevent and guarantee its safety).”
============================================Enter your billing information and click “Pay Now”. Go to www.AllofMP3.com, login, click your “Balance” tab, scroll to the bottom, and you’ll see “Your Current Gift Certificates”. Click on the “status” link and send yourself the gift certificate by entering your email address.
You can either wait for the email or navigate back to the “gift certificate” (from the balance page)and copy & paste the URL to the gift certificate. You’ll then need to “activate” and “apply” the gift certificate to your account, which can be done from the “Balance” page.
Hurry though, ’cause you never know when this method will get blocked, too.
See you at AllTunes!
I haven’t tried it yet but it sounds pretty sweet if it works.
Tried this at AllofmP3.com and got error saying credit card payments are not available and to use alltunes. prob with Alltunes is it only giving me options to use diner’s of JCB card which sucks.
If it works for you Windows people please throw $50 on my account.
This did not work. When you attempt to purchase a gift certificate from AllofMP3, you go the same route through Alltunes.com and end up with only the “Diners Club/JP” options.
Until AllTunes is back up, try out GoMusic.RU its just as cheap but not quite the selection.
All, Jeff, you might try MP3sugar.com. As with GoMusic.ru, the selection is NOT as good as Allofmp3.com (alltunes), but it’s definitely an alternative.
I didn’t follow this exactly, but I found out on my own yesterday that by just selecting ‘Payment Options’ from the WEBSITE (i.e. I did not go through the alltunes application) I was able to order via Mastercard. Note, I did this yesterday (Feb 17, 2007) and just tried again to see if it would come up again with the Mastercard option, and it did indeed.
I did the following but it brought me to cronopay so I though I would experment. this is how i goto e-trust
Also try mp3sugar.com i havent tried it but it looks as good and easy as allTunes.
So does anyone know why the site as been down so long???? I’m looking for some good country and Jazz download sites???????
I figured out how to add more to my balance. it was very easy to do. So easy, that I’m kind of embarrassed. i’m almost afraid to share the info. You just really need to read the screens closely and make the necessary adjustments. For me, it was a security setting.
go to internet options, go to advanced tab, make sure security settings are checked to allow for ssl and tls.
i checked the tls and that was all it took.
SOLUTION FOUND!!! – Hi, Whatever it is Mike is trying to say, I dont think many people find it usefull at all. This is the soultion that i have tried today:
1. Go to Mp3sparks.com
2. You can log in with your existing account from Alltunes. Otherwise create a new one, and use that in alltunes thereafter.
3. Simply choose to refill balance via card.
4. Choose an amount – I have only tried 25$ my self, but i gues they all work.
5. You are then transferred to another site, where you punch in your details. I did it today (december 2007) and in January. Sofar no funny looking transactions on my card, so I guess its safe enough.
When you log in to Alltunes, you will find that the balance have been refilled!
Just tried the MP3sparks process and it does not work either. I have used the cmpass.com site before and that does not come up right now.
Any other options for we alltunes users?
I juest tried mp3sparks.com but not luck on refilling my account. It looks like there is the same problem happing as alltunes.com…..I tried to use the allpay.cc but 90% of the website is written in rusian so I’m SOL cuz’ I can’t read russian…
anyone have a different alternative?