Watch as Bill loses it at a woman in the audience who tells him he sucks. Get the backstory and the mp3s here. Thanks to Warrick Alldridge for the link! My little baby sister Nita gave me this biography on Bill for Xmas.
Me reckons Bill Hicks is a comedy genius, he can say anything he wants to say.
And as a budding stand up myself, I can totally see why he and Richards snapped at a bunch of hecklers with nothing funny to say.
He may be a comedy genius, but there is a response to a heckle and then an outright abuse of a person. And you gotta remember too that this was the 80’s that this was taken in, so it was much more harsher to use that sort of language at the punters.
I think Eddie Murphy was one of the best ones to deal with hecklers of that era.
But this is pure disgusting. No matter what. To call some a c**t live on stage is pretty poor. Performers should have more control than that.
Yeah he really seems to lose it on this night. When you listen to the rest of the set on the mp3s, he half walks off stage, but decides to stick it out and abuse the rest of the audience instead.
Or it could’ve turned into this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXsZ3LBlRxY
Ahhh, Bill Hicks. I can happily attest to being a fan when he was actually alive (Select Magazine used to put him on the odd comedy cassette on its front cover – yes, cassette!), and it’s great to see the following he’s got in more recent years just grow and grow.
hey serious kudos Rob. I hadnt even heard of him until about 5 years ago. My lil sister (the same one who gave me the bio) was traveling in Ireland with some hippies and put me onto him.
Yeah, he was really big in the UK (Select, which I mentioned in my comment, was a UK music magazine which folded around 2000), so no surprise that some guys in Ireland were into him. Yeah. Wow. What a great guy. The beginning of his end happened in Australia, too. Did you know that?