Someone tell Gus his blog is down. I don’t have his email address and I just googled it but came up stumps. I was just reading his review of the recent "Countdown Spectacular" in Newcastle and I wanted to leave him a comment to say how much I enjoyed reading the review. I especially loved his comments about Sherbet:
As soon as the band starts, the stage is rushed by fat middle-aged women who could care less about the earlier strictures from the guards. I can see an immediate look of panic in the guitarist’s eyes: “Fuck, this is what my groupies look like now?†But given that the band members now mostly look like elderly accountants, that’s not such a bad mismatch.
Countdown was obviously a huge part of all of our lives (now if Molly had died from a barb of some kind… and I’m thinking it wouldn’t be in the chest… then I might have some emotions). What will be the Countdown of the 21st century? Obviously it will be some form of blog/podcast. Video was a huge part of Countdown and I think the new music show should be video based. How many bands on MySpace are making their own video clips? Someone should be packaging up the best ones and putting them out as a video podcast. Ewan, are you listening mate?
Hey Cameron,
My apologies — I’ll blame my hosting provider, but things appear to be working now! I agree the next century’s Countdown will indeed be some kind of podcast/vidcast, but I’m not sure there’ll be just one: it’s a lot harder to get that kind of dominance in a multi-channel universe, compared to the 70s and 80s where, if you lived where I did, you had a choice of two TV stations.