There is an article in the INFORMATION section on Google Australia’s online advertising revenues and how they are now bigger than Sensis. I noticed the article while skimming the paper in a restaurant at lunch time but, of course, I can’t find it online. I’d love to know the actual numbers though. I think Google’s revenue was something like $206 million vs Sensis at $196 million. “Google Schmoogle“, hey Sol?
UPDATE: a friend IMd me these numbers:
Google Online Advertising Revenue: $206 Million
Sensis Online Advertising Revenue: $192 Million
(figures from BRW, not AFR)
I saw the AFR article yester, but it didn’t twig till I just read yr post now Cam, that THIS is the reason the online media planners here got a suprise “whats so good about the mediasmart network” ppt from Sensis yesterday in their emails, that tried to show the exclusive/extension reach the sensis network offers
The other telling thing: 05-06 growth for Google = 108 ; Sensis = 36%. So imagine what the gap might be this time next year.
Cameron – the full article is available on
hey thanks Ted!
Andrew, according to the link Ted sent, Sensis actually DECLINED year on year.
oh they declined in terms of SHARE, not revenue.
I’m trying to access the full article which is now 6 months old, I’m looking for stats on online revenue. but i’m having trouble finding it on AFR totally rubbish website. I don’t even mind paying for the thing.