As part of my new job as part-time entertainment gossip mongerer for the showBUZZ podcast, I’ve had to learn how to find stuff like this – the recently released 19 second clip of Britney Spears’ alleged sex tape that rumours say her ex-husband K-Fed is going to sell the full version of. WARNING: NOT WORK SAFE… unless, like me, you work for yourself. In which case, bring it on. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.
Britney’s sex tape teaser now online
by cameron | Nov 13, 2006 | Podcast, Uncategorized | 17 comments
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Yeah my heart bleeds for you Cam :-p
Although somehow I get the feeling that you managed to find the Paris Hilton tape alright even without your new gossip mongering skills.
While we’re on the topic of Britney I may have a dvd of all her music videos… although that may just be a vicious rumor.
That could be anyone!
You got to love gossip. Allegedly Fed-Ex (K-Fed’s new name) was about 60 days away from getting another 10 million from the Premup!
Also if you follow through this link
you can get to see Fed-ex dumped by SMS!
M-Pizzle! (aka Molly)
Hey Miriam,
Your DVD is useless. I have YouTube!
Its rather hard to tell who anyone is in that sort of *cough* circumstance especially in an extreme closeup.
The jawline looks about right… not that I was looking that closely or anything…
Pah! YouTube doesn’t begin to match the quality of image you get from the dvd.
Dude, you need to setup a TPN Forum on the ShowBuzz show. In lieu of that, I dispute that “Paul is my favourite surviving Beatle”!!!! Ringo is my Fav!
True true. Its silly cluttering up the gday world blog with comments about ShowBUZZ.
Interesting it seems they went at it for 4 hours, interrupted only for the odd game of chess,,,1947044,00.html.
Yes we need an outlet for our gossip mongering 😉
Wait… Britney Spears can play chess?!?
Now I’m twice as humiliated by my shockingly substandard strategy skills.
(wow! hows that for accidental alliteration… I’m at it again!)
No Miriam, Michael had a typo, he meant they played with Britney’s (fake) chest!
oh right, of course! I feel a bit better now 🙂
well hold on – my kids were “playing chess” when they were about 2. Doesn’t mean they had a CLUE what they were actually doing. Still, having seen the way Britney can manipulate a… piece… I’m sure here chess skills are adequate.
gee apparently the 19 second clip isn’t real:
I’m shocked!
Wow, who would have thought that someone might try to pass off a fake celebrity sex video on the internet… The times we live in.
‘orally pleasuring’??? is that what they’re calling it these days? Bloody euphemisms. If you can’t say it you can’t play it.
Wait, it was American news… that explains it.
Don’t forget tomorrow with the Pizzler that you heard it first right hear!
M-Pizzle (aka Molly)
yeah who is to say the guy was getting any pleasure out of it? that’s a bit of an assumption.
Does that mean she can’t play chess as well! 🙁