With the success of The Napoleon Podcast on TPN, I’d really like to develop a whole catalogue of educational podcasts. It strikes me that there are probably tens of thousands of retired educators around the world who have knowledge, educational skills, and time. With podcasting they can each continue to make a significant contribution to the world by taking their educational skills and producing a series of podcasts (video or audio) to convey that knowledge to the rest of us.
Personally I would love to listen to a series of podcasts on mathematics, science, history, language, philosophy, literature – you name it. I’m an information junkie. I think there would be a big market for educational podcasts. Most podcasts are still news and reviews of the week but there is a growing list of shows like our Napoleon show – linear format, educational shows.
If you’re an educator and you are interested in sharing your knowledge with the world, please shoot me an email.
And tehy can be time limited, fixed episode count runs. Napoleon (Cam will correct here) is about 13 episodes and that’s it, game over.
yeah that was the original plan but we’re already up to #17 and only half way through! But it will still be a limited run. Napoleon isn’t making much new news these days.
Yep, its limited time. The end of the world is coming soon and a month or so after that the show will end.
I wouldn’t mind hearing a podcast on Medieval History, including the actual history, wars, intrigue, and what we’ve learned from it all. Although, rather than just having a lot of facts throw at me (I can read facts in a book), I would like to have it all presented in a sort of “Discovery Channel” presentation. IE; “The catapult was invented because…”, and have the mechanics of the catapult discussed, etc. Perhaps explanations of the science behind building castles and cathedrals and so on.
I would also like to hear a really good podcast on current Literature–not just an “Oprah’s list” of what’s new in books, but what is actually GOOD and interesting in new literature. I’m pretty tired of someone telling me what is supposed to be a “good read” only to find out that it’s a bunch of crap and someone has paid the referrer to put said book on their “top ten” list. Most of what Oprah says is good is actually just crap, but people will buy it because Oprah said so.
Can we start a wish list of Podcasts?
I would also like a way to preview my comments before I post them so I don’t make spelling errors!!
I’d love a good scientific podcast coverage the table of elements. My creationist science teacher didn’t go into any detail, we just got a photocopy of the layout.
I’d also love some ones for kids, anything really. I know a lot of parents looking for content for their kids on podcasts.
Gardening for non-gardeners would be cool too. I have a big empty backyard I’d like to fill with water-wise plants n’ stuff.
Actually I’d love just about any Introduction made by retired educators, professors, teachers, etc on just about any subject.
Something like SavageMinds.org but as a podcast.