Wow. I just had one of those whooooooo moments, when the world spins. I was reading Brook Turner’s article on George Miller from last week’s Australian Financial Review magazine. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I admire George. MAD MAX and MAD MAX II are obviously the greatest Australian films ever made and two of the greatest films ever made full stop. On top of that, I’ve always admired Miller’s auteurness, the way he has avoided the Hollywood system, followed his own vision, done it his way. That appeals to the rebel in me.
So just imagine when I read these paragraphs in the article:
“Miller’s first big eureka moment came when he attended a lecture by the maverick American thinker and polymath Buckminster Fuller at university in the late sixties.”
And then, a few paragraphs later…
“Miller’s second great epiphany came when he heard the American writer Joseph Campbell speak on a rainy night in Santa Monica after he had made MM (Mad Max).”
Again, anyone who knows me well knows that Joseph Campbell has been a major influence on my thinking for 20 years. And recently I have been obsessed with Fuller. So weird. I also know that my friend Peter Ellyard has been heavily influenced by both of them as well. As, I guess, have lots of people. It’s just weird when you find out that someone you’ve admired for a long time has had very similar influences to yourself. If the article had said he was also a fan of Napoleon, I probably would have choked on my cereal.
Rage Against the Machine reunites! It might have only been for a one-off concert but we can only hope that the boys will put the band back together. God knows we need them now more than ever. I am a HUGE fan of RAtM. I haven’t heard that kind of anger or genuine passion in music since they left us 7 years ago (can it really be that long??). Even Lou and Bruce can only summon a fraction of the heat and intensity of Zack. And now you do what they told ya….
I said to a friend of mine today “I was watching a great speech by Vint Cerf today”. The friend replied “Should I know who that is?”.
This person is a webmaster for a pretty big company. When I explained that Vint is the co-inventor of the internet, the friend replied “Does that have anything to do with the term “surfing” the internet?”
Which lead me to think…
Vint Cerf has to be (with Bob Kahn) perhaps the most successful inventor in history, certainly if you measure the success of an inventor as ‘adoption of the invention over time’. Since they invented the internet in 1973, it has grown to over one billion customers. Even Microsoft doesn’t have that many customers. If you stop the average person in the middle of any street anywhere in the world and ask them “Have you heard of the internet?”, I think the response rate will be pretty high, even if they aren’t fortunate enough yet to be a ‘user’. However, I wonder – if you ask the same person “Who is Vint Cerf?”, they probably won’t be able to answer you. I wonder how that feels? I should get him onto the show and ask him. I’ve been watching this speech he recently gave to Hungarian “TV University” and he comes across as a nice guy, a regular human being. Can you even begin to imagine the impact he has had on the future of the human race? Bucky Fuller would have loved the internet. Talk about being a future maker!
The Silverlight demo that Microsoft announced last night at MIX07 is pretty cool. Sean Alexander, the product manager, is coming on the G’Day World this week or maybe next to talk to us about it in more depth.
I was getting very excited last night about the HUGE increase in audience to my Napoleon podcast during April (400%) until I got the full TPN stats today. It looks like we’ve had a few very naughty people trying to DOS my servers during the month. Fortunately they failed but in the process they completely screwed my stats. Either that or it’s innocent and someone inadvertently tried to download a couple of our shows tens of thousands of times over a couple of days. Either way, it’s ruined my day.
Marshall Kirkpatrick and the folks at Splashcast today launched their new application which looks like a very cool media player. Unfortunately, they have chosen to brand it “MyPodcastNetwork”. Obviously I have issues with that. So I have sent them an email requesting a discussion immediately. Hopefully we can resolve this in a polite fashion.
I guess it’s about time I finished my Mad Mad II machinima remake huh?
Here’s the preview:
I saw the MyPodcastNetwork thing last night and wondered what you would think of that. It is pretty similar. Hope it all works out well.
Hi, thanks for asking how I feel about Internet. It’s been a great ride so far. Major infrastructure like the Internet only happen if literally millions of people decide that want it and want to be part of its development. Bob Kahn and I were lucky enough to start something that many others also saw as potentially valuable and worth investing in. the story is by no means over as the net continues to evolve and new applications for it continue to be invented. As to being known – I think I have had more than enough recognition, so I am not unhappy with a bit of anonymity 🙂
Wow, you mentioned two of my heroes in the same post. Cool!
Joseph Campbell and Bucky Fuller have influenced me since high school. In fact, what I learend from Campbell helped me develop a system I now teach to people who want to share powerful stories and share their message.
But don’t choke on your cereal. It’s bad for digestion. 😀
Ronda Del Boccio
Creator of The Storyation Process(TM) at
Vint – Your humility is astounding. I have asked a large group of people over the last week “Do you know you Vint Cerf is?” and NOT ONE did. The only one of them who actually recognized the name and knew it had something to do with technology history but couldn’t place it. And all of these people work in the IT industry!
Last night, in fact, I sat around a table with people and asked them “name five people who changed the course of human history during the 20th century?”. It’s a short list and yours is definitely on it.
Kudos to you sir.
Vint – love your work. Thanks for the
how ironic… my wireless cut out.
thanks for the connectivity.
lol that is classic!