Hey folks! It’s been an interesting week as those of you following my Twitter feed already know. I just thought I’d give you a few updates.
I know I haven’t put out a show since last week and that’s mostly because I’ve been trying to focus on selling some advertising this month. However, I do have a few interviews in the can and I will get them up over the next week or so. They include video interviews with some folks I met at the X MEDIA LABS event in Melbourne last week (including UK film director Shekhar Kapur) and Ryan Trainor, one of Australia’s youngest serial entrepreneurs.
And over the next couple of days I’ve got interviews scheduled with Dr John Demartini, an American motivational speaker and author (who was one of the people featured in the film “The Secret”), and a special edition I am producing on the state of broadband in Australia which will feature interviews with senior executives from a number of leading Aussie ISPs.
So stick around.
For those of you who were following my Twitter posts last night about my borked PC, I managed to fix it at 2am after FIVE HOURS working on it. It started crashing repeatedly yesterday morning after Windows Update installed somethings. I did a System Restore around midday which seemed to fix it, but then Windows Update ran again (!) and the 2nd time System Restore wouldn’t fix it. So last night I spoke to IBM support, they were clueless, and I had to nut it out myself. After five hours spent upgrading the BIOS, drivers, and everything else I could think of, I finally had a brainwave to unplug all of my USB hubs and try booting. HURRAH! It worked. Turns out, Windows was crashing due to a problem Windows Update caused with an external USB soundcard which had been working JUST FINE for the last six months thank you very much Microsoft.
Could a couple of jets crashing into the WTC in NYC on 9/11 bring them down? No, said Frank Demartini. Who was he? Only the Manager, WTC Construction and Project Management. Watch this video interview he did in Jan 2001 where he says he thinks a couple of jets could fly into WTC and they would still stand. The great irony? Demartini died on 9/11.
Windows shouldn’t be this hard. Actually, every OS should just freakin’ work so we can do real stuff. Certainly, not be borked by “mandatory updates” to a point of BSOD.
Some days, Windows just makes me angry.
Well, Uncle Nick, why not invite me on your highly rated M$-funded video podcast to tell the story!?
Frank has tested it? Isn’t it all theoretical apart from one true case where the structures where tested?
I thought you’d never ask. Should do a co-video, co-podcast thing.