ICKY THUMP!!!! I’ve been listening to The White Stripes new album this morning and YAAHHHHHHH!!!! It rocks baby! There wasn’t a single song that didn’t thrill me. Every song has it’s own unique charm – a riff, a joke, a bagpipe solo, a guitar solo, something that makes it deliciously ambitious, outrageous, glorious! Jack White is the Quentin Tarantino of rock. Everything he does just seems to yell “I’VE GOT THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!!!”. You can tell the guy just gets so much delight out of turning rock upside down, pulling ideas out of everywhere, throwing them into a punk rock blender, and then throwing the cocktail into your face, ice cubes and all. In a week when David Chase gave us all the finger, Jack White has provided the medicine. Did you know it’s now official that Jack and Meg were, in fact, once married? The whole “brother/sister” story was belied a while back.


I’m also enjoying Tori Amos’ new album AMERICAN DOLL POSSE. Yeah Tori, you’re a MILF alright. Thanks for reminding us. Did you realize she is now 44? 40 is the new 20.


Kissing Hank’s Butt. I just read this great story on The Jesus Myth blog about some people who go around kissing the butt of a guy called Hank. Apparently if you kiss Hank’s butt, he’ll give you a million dollars. But wait – there’s a catch. Read the whole yarn. It’s very clever.