I’m starting another fast today. So if I go a bit wonky (more wonky than usual) you know why. It’s time for a winter cleanse. Focus the mind. Heal the body. Renew the self-discipline. Hardcore. A little bit of self-denial.
Christopher Moltisanti RIP. Holy hell, what a scene.
I’m on a panel (with TechCrunch’s Duncan Riley and SEO guru Jim Stewart) at the evolve 07 marketing conference next month in a session called “Content Anarchy: Lunaticsandasylums”. Should be fun. If you’re going to be there, come and say hi.
I recently ordered some new business cards from moo. What a great service. Fast, cheap, sent to my door, faster than the cards I normally get printed here in Melbourne! Definitely a keeper. They have the G’Day World album art on the back.
I caught up with the Managing Director of Rubber Records recently and he gave me a CD with some of their recent tracks. They have some GREAT bands: Offcuts, Andrew Morris, The Exploders, GB3, The Casanovas – I’ve played this CD a bunch of times and these are some killer tracks. Good to hear some good Aussie rock. We really need an Aussie rock show on TPN.
****** Hi mick.
I will never understand fasting.
Here’s a general timeline of me without food.
3hrs: I start to feel hungry.
4hrs: my mouth tastes like I’ve been sucking coins because my body is eating my muscles.
6hrs: I’m acting like I’m drunk, slurring speech, giggling a lot, coordination has gone out the window.
By the time I get anywhere near 12 hrs I will generally have passed out but I tend to eat something before that.
Where exactly in there does the cleansing happen?
ahhhh Cam, you are supposed to be coming to my house for Halo 3 tonight and frankly we will be breaking our fast with beer, pizza and more beer.
Maybe you should just come over FAST and that will do it…?
as HALO 3 isn’t out until Sept, how exactly is this working?
the first couple of days fasting are the worst. I usually find day one is a breeze after the initial hunger pains go away, day two is easy, day three sucks, by day four you want to just lie in bed all day. But if you can get past day four, it becomes easy. You don’t get hungry, you have lots of energy, it’s pretty easy to go another 4 or 5 days.
Cam – Self denial… are you sure you’re not a Catholic? Fasting doesn’t cleanse anything, it just makes it empty. Where’s your science to back that up?
Wait you’re doing this for a couple of days???
I would end up in a coma doing that. 48 hours would do it.
That said I think my starvation response kicks in earlier than most peoples.
How long does it take for the metallic tasting mouth to set in for you?
I’ll do it for 7 – 10 days.
Don’t get a metal taste but on day 3 or 4 my mouth feels fuzzy.
I drink lots of water btw. That’s the only thing I allow.
It’s also important not to fast if your regular diet is crap. Too much shit in your body. You need to eat well for a week or two first, vegies, fruit, etc. I’ve been eating a bit too much dairy recently so that’s one reason I want to re-boot.
As a local alternative for business cards i highly recommend http://www.clickbusinesscards.com – super fast, really well priced and responsive.
In terms of fasting, I’ve been really keen to hear a podcast about it. Can you do a “super size me” styled video podcast next time. Go the whole hog with medical and mental tests along the way.
Yeah see it only takes 4 or 5 hours for ketosis to set in for me. Usually by then Colin can tell by the smell of my breath that I need food… NOW!
But then I have a history of hypoglycemia so I really shouldn’t mess around with fasting.
yeah well I guess you are just a skinny kid anyway Mim. 🙂
Come back to me when you’re 36, old, bald and fat like me. Then we’ll talk.
Hugo – yeah me on video in my jockeys, something the world DOES NOT NEED.
A regular show about fasting and CR would be good though. Not by me. I already talk too much.
Mental tests would be interesting. Even doing the brain age test on the ds every day during the fast and recording the result would do the trick.
Then if you wanted to go the whole hog: blood-sugar tests, resting pulse rate, physical fitness, a before and after body-fat% test. In terms of memory test, concentration, short-term memory. A before and after IQ test…
Nah I used to be a skinny kid. Actually I used to be solid muscle… I had a sixpack! Thats what 10hrs a week of gymnastics training does to you. Now I’m a good 5 kg heavier than I’d like and I have a body thats exceptionally good at maintaining my weight at an equilibrium.
Oh and in the words of my father. “Never starve yourself it will only slow down your metabolism and make you fat”
Ahhh, the sixpack! How I miss that…
Last time you did this, and went ‘wonky’, it affected your dress sense, right? I’m sure this is a pic of that. Must be – it’s definitely your glasses!
Eeek! Huge URL alert!
Try this – http://tinyurl.com/35r5rp
heh yeah that’s me Colin. The glasses AND the Napoleon hat. Who else has those things in common?
7 to 10 days on water only is quite an accomplishment… if you can do that, more power to you! I prefer to use coconut water but it has different side effects after a while.