Dan used to sit next to me at Microsoft Melbourne all those years ago. I remember when Dan bought this massive Creative mp3 player, I think it was 6Gb or something, was about the size of a bread plate, way back in 99 or 00. We thought it was the bomb. Cost him a week’s pay. I was extremely envious. Five years ago DanMc moved to Microsoft London and when we caught up for a quick coffee last Thursday he told me he has recently chased a skirt to Amsterdam where he tells me he will continue to put off his true dream of bringing webcams to Africa, even though he’s now 30 and looking every day of it. Apparently he’d ratherbuy a beer in a movie theatre and, Dan, remember….. it breaks down like this: it’s legal to buy it, it’s legal to own it and, if you’re the proprietor of a hash bar, it’s legal to sell it. It’s legal to carry it, which doesn’t really matter ’cause — get a load of this — if the cops stop you, it’s illegal for them to search you. Searching you is a right that the cops in Amsterdam don’t have.

Dan (left), and Richard Sockpuppet Giles (right)

Dan’s sparse blog.