John Pilger’s UTOPIA

John Pilger Utopia

I had the opportunity this morning (5:30am my time!) to participate in a live discussion on Al Jazeera with John Pilger, the famous Australian investigative journalist, supporter of Julian Assange, and documentarian, about his new documentary “Utopia”, which looks at the current state of Australia’s treatment of our indigenous population. Although I barely got to speak to him (my one question comes in at the 30 minute mark), it was terrific to listen to him explain what he believes is the role of journalism and, in particular, investigative journalism. I want to be him when I grow up.

Utopia Trailer:

recording from GDay World Live 290909

Recordings from tonight’s live show. It’s in three parts because uStream kept dropping out. Ugh. And the audio on the first two parts is peaking, but they aren’t very long.

We talked mostly about the implications of the discovery that Hitler’s skull belongs to a woman and about how to overthrow the Obama Nation.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3