Thanks to a feed error that Caitlin is getting from the G’Day World feed, I was prompted this morning to check out Netvibes and I was immediately hooked. I’ve now dumped Bloglines and will be using Netvibes as my default home page / RSS reader.
What is Netvibes? Here’s a nice description from masey’s excellent step-by-step guide to configuring it: is a custom made web 2.0 home page solution that allows you to create a personalised page filled with content that you find useful… that is relevant to YOU! It’s ideal for your browser homepage and can be accessed from any web enabled computer anywhere!
It’s very cool. Check it out.
By the way, I still haven’t figured out why the G’Day World feed isn’t working inside Netvibes. It seems to be working okay in iTunes and Bloglines. Anyone else noticing problems?
I’m just using google as my homepage atm not very sophisticated but it works.
I’ll have a look at Netvibes though.
Probably totally unrelated but the site seemed to be down for around an hour last night.
yeah mim the server was playing silly buggers last night for a while.
I hate that.
I always get a slightly panicky feeling whenever my blog is down. I end up checking it every 5 min until its back up. Totally irrational but nobody ever accused me of being sane.
I subscribe to a service that monitors it for me and sends me emails and/or rings my phone when it goes down.
a whole lot of old posts got picked up by my feed reeder today (rssOwl … don’t ask). It just seemed to ‘discover’ all the posts right back to the first g’day world post.
I think that might be overkill for my 10-15 average visitor per day blog 🙂
Half the people who get to my blog only wanted to see naked pics of Miriam from ‘there’s something about Miriam’
sorry bout that angus. i haven’t messed with the feed today so i don’t know why that would be.
mim – so where ARE your naked pics? and the pics with the o-ring?
You’d have to ask Colin about that…
ok colin, give ’em up.
Dirty old perv :-p
Which I guess means you and Colin have a lot in common.
Ring what now? Who has pics of mim naked!? I didn’t see anything at 😉
We talked about Netvibes and PageFlakes (same but different)in show Number 024. Recently another one has hit the shelves, but you will have to listen to this weeks show to hear about that one 😉
As far as my feeds go and the fact that I review about 3000+ individual articles per week I use FeedDemon. With that sort of volume I need some way to make sense of it all.
Angus: The same thing happened to me the other day as well. Actually Cam did you know it happens every now and then to the feed? Doesn’t affect me that much I have a tool in FD that deletes this type of error.
But I was thinking could it be related to a server reboot or a bork in the server at any rate? I have not noticed any pattern or anything, but it is strange.
Here’s a decent list of personalized homepages
I’ve been on netvibes for few months now. It’s arguably the best but does get pretty sluggish more often than you’d like.
Cam, I think it’s your WordPress DB, I’m also getting errors opening post pages as well, saying the WP DB is unavailable.