Have you seen this new track by Weird Al (does this guy ever die??) – Don’t Download This Song? It’s pretty naff but diggity. TPN’s Daniel K has the details over on Box Office Weekly. Dan’s also running some funny commentary about Tom Cruise’s kick in the ass by Sumner Redstone and wants to know if this is the first move by studios to start firing the A List stars who cost more money each year while box office receipts are dropping. If you are interested in the world of the business of movies you should listen to Dan’s podcast, he’s always got some great insights into what’s going on. Here’s the iTunes link to the show.
A couple of nights ago Ben Barren, Darren Rowse and I spoke at an AIMIA event in Melbourne about Business Blogging. Thanks to Keren Flavell for setting it up. TPN listener Cait was there and caught a few seconds of video of me ranting about why blogging and podcasting is a responsibility. Check it out here.
So, what have I been doing? Maaaate, I’ve been busy.
Did you all check out the podcasts series that I did with Andrew Pegler and WDG for RealEstate.com.au? Check them out here, especially if you’re looking for some tips and tricks on buying or selling real estate.
I also did a video podcast for Genesys’ G-Force event last week, that’ll be up in the next few days hopefully.
Ewan’s Edinburgh Fringe podcast is kicking ass. This is the biggest thing we’ve EVER had on TPN, I just wish it wasn’t on for only one month a year. But I bet Ewan’s happy it is, he’s the hardest working man in podcasting at the moment. I think it’s going to do a hundred thousand downloads this month alone. Huge. He’s got some great interviews up there as well, including one I heard today with a comedian called Omar Marzouk who is from Denmark, born to Egyptian parents, doing a show at the Fringe about terrorism. I’d love to see it.
I’m up in the Gold Coast on Monday talking at the PANPA conference. PANPA is The Pacific Area Newspaper Publishers’ Association. I’m on a panel with Mark Jones from the AFR talking about blogging and podcasting (what else?).
Oh and I’m also doing some consulting in the software space again. There’s a great company called TwoConnect based out of Miami who are BizTalk gurus. They are doing some work for a client in Australia on a pretty huge project and have asked me to help out with some stuff.
And I just listened to a great podcast from the TED conference by Jimmy Wales, the guy behind Wikipedia. Brilliant talk, you have to listen to it.
I think more interesting is his “Your Pitterful” song and the story behind its release to the net.
Molly has a good point, that song is great and has been getting airplay in the US friends have mentioned it.
That said the Don’t Download this song has more of a We are the World kind of vibe, but definately enjoyed it too.
>Have you seen this new track by Weird Al (does this guy ever die??)
Lord, I hope not!!!