- Seth Godin video
- How come everyone’s an expert all of a sudden?
- Sky-Click the virtual call-center
- Bill Gates video from 1998
- Kleptone’s new mash-up CD free to download
- Jobs USED to agree with the French government
- Seth Godin video
- How come everyone’s an expert all of a sudden?
- Sky-Click the virtual call-center
- Bill Gates video from 1998
- Kleptone’s new mash-up CD free to download
- Jobs USED to agree with the French government
Hi Guys , thanks for the mention about sky-click. Actually the whitle label sponsored links plateform is a totally separate product from the web based call-center. They are both by the same company but that s it. Glad you like it 🙂
gday ouriel! ah that explains it. i should read slower. love the call center idea. think i might try that out on TPN.
On the listeners being able to record audio topic, it might be worth checking out http://www.evoca.com
I haven’t looked at it much but looks like it might be on a similar track.
Thanks DG, I checked that out. You are the 2nd person today to point me there. The recording setup looks nice, but I cant see any way to save the recording as an mp3 which I can then insert into my podcasts. And I need a way to easy link to the recording from a TPN site. I”m thinking this is a job for rentacoder.
I was actually noodling along the same lines as dg, but from a slightly different angle. You mentioned in this same podcast that most of your listeners were Skype users.
Just create another Skype account with VoiceMail and let anyone who wants to, leave a voicemail message on that account. VoiceMails can be up to 10 minutes long, someone who talks long than that probably ought to start their on podcast on TPN anyway.
I’m guessing you could use skylook on them just like you do with Rich and co.
15 euro / year sounds like a small investment for this type of feature.
I was thinking along the same lines as DG, but from a slightly different angle. You mentioned on this podcast that most of your listeners are Skype users. Why not get another Skype account with VoiceMail. Then let your user/contributors leave a message there. Messages can be 10 upto minutes long (anyone who talks long than that ought to be encouraged to start their own podcast on TPN). I imagine you could get the VoiceMail into mp3 the same way you do with Rich & Co. It’d only cost 5 euro to find out. 15 euro / year seems like a sustainable cost, even for TPN.
I hate proxies! Sorry for the doubletalk.
Might want to checkout loud blog!