UPDATE: Hey if iTunes pulled down the wrong show, that’s my fault folks. We had two enclosures, all fixed now. Mea culpa.
Today Rich and I are joined by Dr Malcolm Choat, Department of Ancient History, Division of Humanities, Macquarie University, Sydney, who is Australia’s (and, as far as we’re concerned, the WORLD’S) leading expert on early christianity and the Judas Gospel.
Here’s the Wikipedia link to the document in question.
We also chat about today’s launch of the Google Calendar! Very exciting stuff.
Don’t forget to check out the new shows on TPN and to leave us a message:
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Great show guys, I found Dr Choat to be very interesting, and obviously has a great knowledge on the subject.
I had wonderd exactly what the contents of the Judas gospel was and how it impacted the canon.
I think an early christianity podcast would be awesome.
I’m looking forward to who you’ll have on next.
Love your rant on Downer. You should really get him on a show and put him on a lie detector!
No it is not. Fasting may be without food as the first person said but may also be other ways kind of like that. It may be reading hte bible if you are taking all of it in and showing it in your life and living it and it could be gospel music or any other Christian music if you’re taking it in and showing it in your life, not just listening.