Okay. There you have it. We’ve been doing this bloody podcasting thing for one whole year. Despite the critics, the poverty, the death threats, and troublesome technology, we have soldiered on, over hill and dale, podcasting for one whole year.
We tried very hard to think up something fun to do for our one year anniversary. But we couldn’t think of anything. So we just did a show.
And YES… I pulled out the Mick sock puppet for the occasion, just to please the three people who remember who he is. 🙂
On a (rare) serious note – Mick and I would like to thank all of you for listening in to our rants and raves over the last year and for participating in the conversation. We’ve certainly had fun so far and we’re starting to think this podcasting thing might have more legs than some people predicted. Whaddya think?
BTW, I forgot to point out, that G’DAY WORLD was the very first Australian podcast, the very first Skype podcast, and the very first show on The Podcast Network, which was itself the very first podcasting business! Surely those things are worth celebrating? A moment of silence?
Well just listend to the birthday show and it was good.
I remember back at the start of the year, maybe Jan or early Feb and I had heard about podcasting somewhere and was over at Podcast Alley looking for different podcasts and going through recent entries for the last few days and saw G’Day World. A name like that it could only be done by a couple of Aussies so I went to the site as it was then and I have been a listener ever since.
I remember some of those interviews you mentioned in the show and I hate to admit it but I have learnt a bit by listening o your interviews with different people from different walks of life, though mostly technology, and has opened things up to me I wouldn’t have thought of before.
Even reading Cam’s blog and being part of his “community” has allowed me to voice opinions on matters I didn’t really have other people to discuss things with at work or even at home. maybe why I skew cam’s website stats by visiting or refeshing page for new comments 10-20 times a day.
I haven’t met either of you personally, tho I work in Sydney so Mick if you want to actually see someone wearing a TPN shirt let me know and I can meet ou for lunch. I have a few shirts and wear at least 1 a week to work to try and promote TPN. Hmmm I got off track, as I was saying I haven’t me either of you but by listening to your shows, reading your blogs and chatting with Cam via email or IM I think of you as friends and someone I can learn something from hat wil maybe make me a btter person, or at least make more informed.
Ok that’s enough ass-kissing. And I am not drunk or being paid for these comments. Of course if you want to send me another shirt I wouldn’t say no 🙂
Well thanks for all your work from your first tip jar investor and keep it going for the future.
Guys, thanks for mentioning me on the cast, but still no fucking link you barstards!
But Seriously, congrats!
Lads, I finally got around to writing an update to that post. Flame away: