On the show tonight….
Evan Maloney is an Aussie, living in Poland, getting paid to blog for News.com.au, writing (and selling!) screenplays and once upon a time got his head literally kicked in for trying to protect a couple of girls in Melbourne. He ended up in a coma for his trouble. Check out his blog here.
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- If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this description in Wikipedia.
The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
You do have a very good voice Cam. It has a good depth and tone to it.
My voice is good for singing, not so good for talking. I’m fairly self-conscious about it; although the chairman (or similar, someone in charge of admittance) of NIDA referred to it as an ‘interesting’ voice and said that it was a feature which would make me stand out at auditions which suggests that he meant it as a compliment.
Were you wearing a ball gag at the time? ROFL! 🙂
Errrm no :-p
I was at a careers workshop at school.
Always with the ballgag comments! What do you think I do? walk around wearing fetish gear all day?
Or is that just what you like to think? :-p
It helps get me through the day. 🙂
you pervert! you dirty, dirty pervert!
She only walks around the house wearing fetish gear on weekends… obviously.
And the Flickr URl is???
Hey! watch out. If you’re not careful I’ll never be allowed to go to a TPN function again!
BWAAAHAHA! Oh Colin, I think I’m going to puke up my dinner.
Sorry about that. We couldn’t resist.
Just so you know the body isn’t Colin… thought I should clear that up… Eww!
It is truly said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And anyway, see how happy she is!
Good show mate, Evan is a very interesting bloke. its funny lifes catastrophe’s (getting the shit kicked out of him in evans case) focuses your view of life and makes you work out what is really important in life.
I liked the part of the show where you guys were talking about how you shouldnt give up if you dont kick the ball out of the park in your 20’s, and the airplane effect when he was talking about his screen play was a hoot..
John M
Thanks John, I did that interview just for you.
Now – back to Christian bashing!!! 🙂
Just kidding.
Geee Taaa Cam, its nice to know that your thinking about your listeners.
Not too much of the far side dog at all in that one 🙂
John M
It was a very good show. I’m just thinking that I’ll try to find a somewhat more relaxing route to figuring out what’s important to me than being beaten to a pulp. I’m having enough trouble with my electronics subjects without brain damage.
George Pell is a bit of a weirdo. He was actually the priesty-type who confirmed me. First major event as bishop. He was controversial even then.
That said Sydney Christians of all flavours are going through a weird phase at the moment anyway. The ‘high church’ Anglicans are becoming so high church that its a wonder they haven’t readopted the pope and the Catholics are inviting Christian rock bands into church to sing bad covers with the words changed to reflect Christian values.
Did you know that the entourage of junior priests that follow george Pell about used to be known by some members of the priest hood as ‘the spice girls’?
The only reason why George pell is now a cardinal is because he ‘sings from the same hymn book’ as the rest of the big boys in rome. This is the way it has worked for hundreds of years. every now and then you get a progressive pope like John Paul II who works at bringing the church forward but men like him are exceedingly rare.
Fr Bob would make an excellent cardinal, but he would never make it because i reckon he is seen as a bit of a shit stirrer in some quarters and because of this his views would never match those of the rest of the college of cardinals.
its all about maintaining the status quo for these people…..
John M
Thats very true. Whilst many of your everyday priests completely ignore it and follow their own beliefs the big boys in Rome have an official line and if you want to move up the ranks you have to follow it.
Thats why all the good guys like Fr Bob are always one step away from being excommunicated and the guys in charge are your backward thinking ninnys who are so stuck on protocol that they’ve forgotten what Christianity is about.
Oh my god. Did you just say John Paul II was “progressive”???
Let’s look at his track record.
He was against women.
He was against gays.
He was against million of Catholics in AIDS-ridden Third World countries using condoms and therefore indirectly was responsible for the AIDS epidemic those countries are facing today.
Along with the current Pope, Ratzinger, he advised Bishops to protect the church against claims of child molestation and sexual misconduct and forbade them to speak to the authorities on threat of excommunication.
He overturned much of the progress made by his predecessor John 23rd (not to mention John Paul I who died / was murdered 33 days into his reign, an investigation which never had any legs because JP2 made sure all of the evidence disappeared).
And my favourite? The Vatican estimate that 285 saints had been proclaimed by all of John Paul II’s 263 predecessors combined, whereas he, by himself, since becoming Pope proclaimed 482 saints and set in motion another 1,338 people by beatifying them.
If that’s your definition of a “progressive” pope, I’d hate to see a conservative!
Perhaps he meant that John Paul II was progressive by comparison to other Popes… He did think about calling a condom a prophylactic. I mean, he didn’t actually do it but he thought about it.
Thanks Miriam, thats exactly what i meant. Obviously Cam has been giving the wikipedia site a hammering …again.
As I have already said, these guys all tow the company line. hence the stand on contraception.
Yes the churches dealing with people who molest children is terrible, but the clergy who commit such heinous acts are in a small minority. Now days priests are very careful when it comes to dealings with their alter servers (if they have them) and are mindful of public perception (ask fr bob Im sure he will tell you all about it).
Im sure Pope John Paul 2 did not have anything to do with the death of JP1. JP1’s death was treated by many as suspicious (died of myocardial infarction), but poisoning was never proven because there was no autopsy given. The laws of vatican city forbade it. Vatican city is a city state and as such has it’s own laws.
JP2 must have been worried that he would suffer the same state however as he brought with him a chapter of nuns from poland to do his cooking and cleaning for him and surrounded himself with people he trusted
And on a personal note he sat on the council of vatican 2 which made many changes to the church in the early to mid 60’s. These changes included changes to canon law that enabled me to marry a catholic even though I had been married before, resulting in my 2 gorgeous boys, saying mass in english instead of latin and recognition that the jews were not responsible for the death of jesus christ.
The church is evolving cam albeit very slowly. The problem is that that the world in which we live is changing at a much faster rate.
john m