I’m cranky as hell about the way the Christian Right is taking over this country. The leaders of both major political parties are kowtowing to them because they are mobilizing politically like never before, taking their cues from their US counterparts.
The latest embarrassment for us as a free, democratic society is they way our Attorney-General Phillip Ruddock has intervened in the matter of Dr Phillip Nitschke’s book on euthanasia, The Peaceful Pill Handbook.
In this episode I discuss why this whole affair is wrong, immoral and why we need to fight against it. I’m also exploring what we, as the “new” media, can do about it.
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The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
hey Cam when ain’t “I’m cranky as hell” true? 🙂
I’m just saying…
Is talking about how talking about suicide is illegal also illegal?
I’m confused!
Will talking about how wrong the war in Iraq is/was and how the US have no business being there also become illegal?
Why is it that fellow Australians (the few I have talked this over with) don’t seem to get that bit by bit their freedom is shown to be false. I just don’t understand how a book like this can be banned.
The Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) are the experts yet why is it allowed that the Government can over rule the experts. My guess is that their are a few disheartened workers at OFLC. We may as well get rid of the OFLC and just get the government to tell us what we can read/watch/play.
My heart is breaking over this type of decision. Can somebody please tell me why we are not allowed to talk about the important things in life?
Fear fear fear and sport. The key to a ‘successful’ Australian Government.
Yet another reason for Australians to abandon the country and move overseas. Less freedom.