Tonight in the Bitchcast, I’m joined by Jodie Miners and Tony Goodson. We bitched about a bunch of things, including (but not limited to):

  • Why HP don’t have Windows Vista drivers for the HP Photosmart 7150
  • How hard it is to move your iTunes library from your old PC to your new PC
  • Why Office 2007 is so goddamn slow, why they took out Clippy, and how much productivity LOSS the you-beaut ribbon is causing
  • Vista is nice and pretty and seems to work okay, but where did Microsoft’s 5 years of R&D go?
  • And why doesn’t Google Desktop seem to work properly in Vista?
  • “The Departed” is a good enough film but should Martin Scorsese really get a “Best Director” statue for making a carbon-copy film? (and then screwing up the last scene??)
  • Why wasn’t TalkShoe showing this podcast as being “live” while we were recording it? Why were people who came 15 – 30 minutes late not able to see the show or dial into it? What’s up with that?
  • Finally, we each suggest some great podcasts to listen to and blogs to read.
  • By the way, I apologise for my mic being up too loud at the beginning and blame it on the new PC. My set-up isn’t exactly right. Also – when I went to edit this show I discovered that 1Mb RAM isn’t enough! Not even with the Dual Core. The whole machine froze to halt.

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    The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me” by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.

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