Richard Giles and I chat about some things that have been on my mind lately, including:
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I’ve created a couple of groups inside Second Life. You can now add yourself to the following groups:
If I knew how to link directly to those groups from here, I would. But I don’t. So for now you just need to search for them in-world. Or you can add “Cameron Switchblade” to your friends and check out the groups I belong to.
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- If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this description in Wikipedia.
The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
Hey, you’re missing your title in the MP3 tags again 🙂
Gah!! Sorry Minh. I’ve had trouble with that one. When I change the title in iTunes it actually seems to change the file name which isn’t what I want it to do at all. And as the title works fine for me in iTunes, it’s hard to figure out why you are having problems. Doesn’t the RSS feed insert the title?
I’ve been spending parts of this weekend moving to mediamonkey as i’m sick of itunes hijacking my files. A sound engineer friend recommended mediamonkey so it can’t be too bad. (
You loved the Wikipedia editing!
@Hugo – checking out MediaMonkey! great tip.
@Molly – yeah like I don’t have better things to do than to fix up stoopid shit in my Wikipedia entry!
Right, thats what I was saying, glad you agree Cam! Seeings you have the time I will make the effort this week to add something interesting. I was going to test the waters and suggest you wheren’t Wikipedia worthy but I don’t know how to do it.
Rich: Any thought of plugging into Last FM to get information for Scouta? I have an iRiver and have Rockbox OpenSource OS on it and it supports LastFM and its formats but not iTunes.
Just a thought.
hehehe No offence, but your pronunciation of Bhagavat Gita and other names was very funny! Gave me a good chuckle. 😛
(You got Kurukshetra tho! well done)
Meanwhile, I don’t know if you know, but they went and recreated the Mahabharat as a tv series sometime ago. Here’s a clip: – it was entertaining viewing as I remember it
Yeah Molly, you sound like you have a very standard setup there :).