A few months ago I was on the phone to a friend of mine and said “The questions you ask yourself define your reality”. My friend then introduced me to the work of Dr John Demartini. A few things surprised me when I read the information on his website. The first was that he actually sounded a lot like me, so I knew he must be a good, highly intelligent guy.

The second surprise was that he was one of the people featured on “The Secret”. Now… you know what I think about that film. And there seemed to be a disconnect between the stuff I read on Demartini’s site and what I remember from the film (it’s been a year since I saw it).

Then, in a “synchronicity” moment (one of Demartini’s favourite words), Dr Peter Ellyard introduced me to author Liliane Grace (her podcast, based on her book “The Mastery Club“, will be starting on TPN soon) and who should have written the introduction to her book?? Dr John Demartini.

So I asked for an introduction, had my people call his people, and today I got to chat with him from his hotel in Seattle.

Listen to how he separates his work from the mumbo-jumbo of “The Secret” and his tips for figuring out how to get the most out of your life.

john demartini

You can find out more about his books and seminars on his website (link) and you can get a free CD with more information on the “Demartini Method” by clicking on this link:

Free Demartini CD

You can also get discounted tickets on upcoming Demartini seminars by clicking on THIS LINK.

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    The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me” by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.

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