A spontaneous Twitter lunch happened in Melbourne yesterday between myself, Nick Hodge, Garth Kidd, Robin Frousheger, and Andrew Barnett.
The lunch came together over Twitter when Nick, who is based in Sydney, mentioned he was having a coffee at a particular Melbourne Starbucks. Robin, Andrew and I all saw the message and invited ourselves to join him. And then Garth Kidd, who was also visiting Melbourne from Sydney, recognized the red sunnies in the street and I invited him to join us. Over coffee I asked each of the guys to tell me how they use Twitter, the impact it has had on their work/social/blogging lives and how they think corporate marketers should be using it.
Here are the protagonists:
Nick Hodge
Garth Kidd
Robin Frousheger
Andrew Barnett
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The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
Cameron, it was great to meet you. Yesterday was all a welcome change from my normal quiet existence.
Of course, 10 minutes after I left, I thought of all the things I _wanted_ to say about Twitter. See, words are my thing. I love and need to write stuff down, as I think of it. And Twitter, with its minimal impedance, is the perfect writer’s notebook. The 140-character limit enforces discipline. That tight constraint also enables creativity.
Hey Cam enjoyed the podcast – great to hear that twitter has been a social engineering tool for you. Wish at times I lived in a big enough place to do the same.
Cool listening to different ppl and their opinions about what brought you together – very cool. Following them on twitter 🙂