It’s my birthday and I’m taking the liberty of chatting to you about some of the things that I think about a lot lately – the lack of leadership in our world today and the future of the human race. Where are the leaders? Have the baby boomers driven the planet into the ground, beyond hope? Can we rescue the human race? Can you? What problems are you going to help solve? I don’t have answers, I’m still learning to ask the right questions.
Thanks for recent birthday presents too from Frank Arrigo, Miriam Parkinson and Charlie Tuke-Hastings! You guys are in my good books.
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The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
Damn. If I’d known you even had “good books”, I’d have gotten you something more than a “It’s The Thought That Counts” ^TM imaginary present… Happy Birthday dude! 😛
Hi Cam, happy birthday!
Sometime ago you mentioned this info would be helpful:
the mp3 I downloaded doesn’t have the title assigned.
Cheers and keep on podcasting,
Thanks Raf. What podcatcher are you using?
Is it just me, or is the audio of this podcast “skipping”?
yeah looks like Adobe Audition shat itself while I was recording. Sorry bout that.
Happy birthday Cam!
Big Hug buddy
I opened the website in Firefox and right clicked on it to download. That’s it and then winamp v2.95. No iTunes etc.
Happy Birthday, Cam!
That’s the trouble with that pesky democracy thing. Having to wait until there is a consensus which, by definition requires ideas being picked up and understood by a substantial proportion of those in the electorate with IQs in the lowest half of the scale. It’s always going to be slow. That’s why dictatorships are so popular when things seem to be in crises (fire marshals don’t hold a plebiscite about how to evacuate a burning building and that’s in everyone’s interest). The trouble is not to be seduced by the attractions of certainty that “Leaders” (aka “Fuhrers”) seem to give in simplifying complex issues into simple solutions (“The Axis of Evil” springs to mind). The price is usually too high to pay.
I do think your encouragement to actually do something (almost anything) and use the communication technology we are blessed with to leverage our efforts in ways previously impossible is a damn good way of speeding up the processes or bypassing consensus and simply becoming a ‘loud’ enough lobby that we are worth ‘buying off’.
The success of the, largely internet based, campaign against the MAI ( / ) is a damn good example of how a relatively tiny number of people can wield power if they act in concert to force the leaders to react.
Anyway hope this is the start of another year of rampaging success for TPN!
Raf, ah right. Thanks for the explanation. Yeah when I mess with the title of the show it seems to bork it in iTunes. But if I rely on the RSS feed to give it a title, people who download it manually get stiffed. I’ll work on it some more.
Janotte, I reject the premise that democracy and lethargic bureaucracy have to necessarily go hand in hand. Democracy has provided leaders in the past. Churchill, Lincoln, Napoleon, etc. Even Hitler was elected to the Chancellorship initially by democratic vote. Jeff Kennett!
They work for us. We need to remember that.
I found your comments about Mr Persinger and his “God-Helmet” interesting – not that I agree with your conclusions. I started a thread on the C-Realm podcast’s forum here:
It has stimulated some discussion. Most notably one contributor says:
“you refer to something you heard on Cameron Reilly’s show that Persinger concludes from his research that “religious experience and belief in God are merely the results of electrical anomalies in the human brain.” I don’t believe this is the conclusion Persinger has come to, his research is ongoing and incomplete.
Perhaps the media has put a spin on it which has resulted in unfavourable publicity… this research is underfunded and as far as I can tell progressing slowly. I have never seen Persinger come anywhere near saying we can dispense with any notion of the divine.
He is merely proving that the brain is indeed sensitive to magnetic waves, and exploring potential applications.”
In other words, the conclusions which you claim are Persinger’s are probably more your own?
Perhaps you’d like to join the discussion over there?