Most of us know Doug Kaye as the Barry-Whitesque-smooth-as-molasses voice emanating from the always-stimulating mp3s found at IT Conversations. Listening to the ITC recordings from POP!Tech 2004 were one of the motivations for me to start podcasting last year. Doug is one of the people in this world I am sincerely grateful for.
So when I had the chance, thanks once again to an email introduction from Buzz Bruggeman from Activewords, to chat with Doug yesterday, I wanted to know a little bit about Doug the man – his background before starting ITC, why he started ITC, and where he is taking ITC. For the last part, he was kind of enough to give me a scoop that even “Team ITC” haven’t heard yet! I know this because I’ve received several IM’s from Team ITC people today after Doug told them to listen into the show! 🙂
So that’s why y’all are getting TWO – count ’em ONE TWO – episodes of G’DAY WORLD this week.
When hearing Americans trying to say G’day is never enough we hopefully get to hear it twice..and laugh…hehe
Look forward to hearing it
An amazing interview. Thank you so much. I really appreciated hearing the story of Doug’s background and how he started IT Conversations. It was wonderful to hear him explain why content must be free. I made a transcript of where he talks about that (at about minute 26 in the interview). Just follow the link to my website above. Thanks!
I have to agree. I’ve listened to this interview twice, and could (should) listen to it three or four more times. This is probably one of my top 10 podcasts. I’ll be on the lookout to listen to more of Doug. Cheers.