Wow, the 50th G’DAY WORLD interview. How time flies.
And I couldn’t be happier with the subject of our 50th show – John Buckman, Founder and CEO of Magnatune, the hippest record label on the planet.
Magnatune is the record label with the motto “We Are Not Evil”.
The backstory is something like this: John was the CEO of a software company when his wife was signed as an artist to a indy record label and, from that dismal experience, they decided that they could do a better job and Magnatune was born in April 2003. Magnatune currently has 202 artists selling 418 albums. Listen to the show to check out their very cool business model.
Oh, by the way, John wants to write a book titled “How to Overthrow the Music Industry”.
You just know I’m going to like this bloke, right?
The track at the end of the show is called “Wreck of the Zephyr” and is by one of Magnatune’s artists, Houston-based DROP TRIO. Very funky sheeeit.
Oh, and by the way, this show was recorded using Skylook, the awesome cool plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, based in Melbourne Australia.
Good interview Cam. I think he is on a winner and more people will be looking at doing this kind of thing. Not sure if yo have seen this article but is basically how screwed a band/artist is with a standard record deal and has a breakdown of the costs.
It is no wonder the record companies are screaming foul because after more and more bands leave to places like magnatune they are going to be hurt. It won’t be the artists as they will be making more money than they would with the big companies.
How about interviewing the pop group THE EP’S……….we are from MELBOURNE,AUSTRALIA………….e-mail us