Kevin Sladek is one of the co-founders of VideoEgg, an innovative, venture-backed company committed to making online video posting truly easy. During the interview we chat about the vision for VideoEgg, Kevin’s guest appearance on “The West Wing”, meeting President Bill Clinton, and what it’s like being only two degrees from Marilyn Monroe.
UPDATE 2005-11-08: Sorry folks. There’s a small problem with the audio about 8 minutes into the show. I’m uploading a new version now. If you got the bad copy, you may choose to download the new one, although I’ve just edited the bad 60 seconds out. Bloody software. Thanks to Garth Kidd for bringing it to my attention!
Cool interview and like what I have seen of the product (need to use it a little more on my blog). Does Kevin have a blog?
PS: Here is a link to Video Egg in action (sorry about the poor quality, need to upload a new video):