Well we said we were going to do it last night and tonight, in our first attempt, we CURED OUR FIRST CHRISTIAN.
Here’s some links you might want to follow up.
Molly’s blog. Oh yeah Molly, you may have had to give up your belief in Christianity but you at least got a link out of it. The lengths some people will go to for their Googlerank.
Some resources you might find handy when you try to cure a Christian in your life:
The Bible and Jesus Myth.
The Skeptics Annotated Bible.
Help me “Cure A Christian” on future episodes! If you’re a Christian, and you want to be cured, come on the show or suggest a friend!
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- If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this description in Wikipedia.
The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
Just on the Blasphemy Challenge, if you believe the bible (listen to the show for my thoughts) you would probably point out something like this article talks about to show why these people won’t get struck down:
By the way, For those that got behind Cam on his phrase from Matthew 15:4 might be interest in the context it comes from (http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=34747435):
matthew 15
The Tradition of the Elders
Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, ‘Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands before they eat.’ He answered them, ‘And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, “Honour your father and your mother,†and, “Whoever speaks evil of father or mother must surely die.†But you say that whoever tells father or mother, “Whatever support you might have had from me is given to Godâ€, then that person need not honour the father. So, for the sake of your tradition, you make void the word of God. You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied rightly about you when he said:
“This people honours me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me;
in vain do they worship me,
teaching human precepts as doctrines.†’
Rather ironic don’t you think.
(NB: I am just quoting back at Cam and Duncan, not following this as absolute must be followed at fear of being knocked down with a thunder bolt stuff. To be honest the Reilly’s seem to be more into the Bible then I am!)
PS. The wife wasn’t that upset after all!
PS. PS. Why the hell didn’t you play the Father Bob show promo at the end of this show?
PS. PS. Digg the show at Digg here: http://www.digg.com/general_sciences/Cure_a_Christian and Scape it at Netscape here: http://religion.netscape.com/story/2007/01/02/cure-a-christian/
Something cannot come from nothing.
So there has to be a Creator.
The Creator is Jesus Christ.
There is archaeological and historical
proof for Jesus Christ.
Saw a quote last week somewhere in a dicussion between an atheist and a christian. The atheist point of view is that they are both atheist, he just believes in one less God than the christian.
Christians don’t accept other deities so by his reasoning they are atheists against the religions they don’t accept.
I like his point ov view.
On another thing. You said this was a competition and I consider I won.Where is my prize? Some Adobe products would be nice!!!!
Molly – I said it was a competition? When? But I’ve already given you your prize anyway – a lifetime of rational living without the fear of eternal damnation. Enjoy!
Texastig – it is true that science says that something cannot come from nothing but that doesn’t pre-suppose an anthropomorphic creator. Please state your independent evidence for Jesus Christ…. if you can.
Hey Cam,
Are you in discussions with Texastig to be victim, I mean guest number two in this campaign?
Here is the actual article I mentioned earlier. It appeared in the LA Times and is titled 10 Truths and Myths about Atheism.
So Cam, can you point me to your entry in the “The Blasphemy Challenge”?
Looks like you’ve got a problem, Cam.
You wouldn’t vote for Little Johnnie again under any circumstances for how he’s bent the country over a barrel.
You’re not going to vote for anyone of a religious bent (who you mention Rudd as being).
It’s fairly pointless to vote for anyone else as your vote ends up going to one of the above.
What to do?
Ben I think you will find he is going to start his own Political party! Perhaps the launch could be on tonights show?
yeah eventually
I saw this on Digg and, after show 177, thought it might be of interest to you: http://digg.com/general_sciences/Carl_Sagan_on_Evolution_Google_Video
Thx Philip, I think I blogged about it a few weeks ago as well. Terrific little video isn’t it?
I’m a lapsed Catholic but I’m very lapsed so I don’t think it would be particularly good sport to cure me. I don’t even go to church at Christmas or Easter anymore.
I have been known to find myself accidentally praying though. I guess its a symptom of years of brainwashing.